Electric Scooters - Why?

Welcome to my blog on electric motor scooters. I feel compelled to let you know about the lifestyle benefits and advantages to electric scooters. I'll touch on a whole range of scooters - from cheap electric scooters to cool things like the razor electric scooter. And more. Stay tuned in...
Coolest Electric Motor Scooters Advantages...
The world of electric and gas powered scooters is a funk-a-delicious one. There's such a huge range of these creatures available to fulfill our needs, from recreational to practical - ride to work or ride to school?
Can you see your scooter future..?
Those who succeed always see their success months and years before they live it. They have the ability to look ahead, see the future, imagine the good that can and will come from their lives, families and work. To not have vision is a tremendous roadblock. Sit down and work on seeing the future - and make it good! (Chris Widener)
Are electric motor scooters our future?
Our future indeed! It's a natural evolution... The automobile is way too big for one person anyway! (Automobiles do, of course, have obvious advantages to long trips and carrying people - as you know).
The world is changing, bending towards a more sustainable, greener, healthier existence. It might not always seem like that, but changes are happening all the time. And making a difference can start with you, your actions and what means of transport you choose.
Total reliance on petroleum for the US transportation sector cannot be sustained this century... we must find other fuels. Governments and ultimately consumers are demanding cheaper and cleaner energy sources
Government officials, concerned citizens and environmentalists all over the world support Electric Vehicles because they can improve air quality, enhance national security and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The future is electric. Countries throughout the world recognize the need to move to alternative modes of transportation as limited natural resources grow scarcer. Governments also look to zero emission vehicles to combat pollution in their cities.
By the way, this electric motor scooter is called a Razor scooter...
You can it at Amazon.com
Product Description From the Manufacturer
The Razor E300 Seated Electric Scooter features a high-performance motor with variable speeds up to 15 mph! Features a super-sized deck and frame for riders of all sizes, extra wide 10" pneumatic tires for a smooth ride, short charge time and long battery life, super quiet chain driven motor, stylish cushion seat for a comfortable ride. Handlebars adjust to fit most rider sizes.
Features thumb trigger acceleration control, hand operated rear brake, handlebar folding mechanism, high torque motor, and a rechargeable battery. Rides up to 45 minutes of continuous use on 4-6 hours of charge time. Some assembly required. Maximum rider weight is 220 lbs. Ages 12 years and up.
See you soon :-)
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